Roboclean Home Cleaning System for Asthma sufferers!
Public attention has recently focused on asthma because of its rapidly increasing , affecting up to one in four urban children. Asthma can arise at any age but about half of asthmatics develop symptoms before the age of 10 years. It then tends to become less severe in teenagers but can come back in later life. The number of people affected is rising throughout Great Britain (and indeed Europe and also worldwide), now impairing the health and quality of life of a substantial proportion of children, as well as many adults, and placing a significant burden on health services.
Researchers in United Kingdom have discovered why house-dust mites are a major cause of asthma symptoms. Dust mite allergens are thought to be among the heaviest dust allergens. Inhaled allergens derived from house dust mite faeces play a major role in asthma. Specific factors include allergens such as house dust mite droppings in dust, pets such as cats and dogs, moulds. The allergens mentioned will worsen asthma.
As we rest on the bed, a great number of dust mites, together with their faeces, enter our bodies and into our lungs to cause asthma. Hence, most of us, including doctors, believe that asthma and allergy is very hard to cure completely. However, the removal of dust mites is effective in preventing and minimising asthma attacks.
The treatment of asthma is based on allergen avoidance. Allergen avoidance should concentrate on reducing exposure to house dust mite, mould spores, animal danders and pollens.
Ordinary vacuum cleaners (dust-bag, upright or cylinder models) have basic cycle, when their filters are new or washed their suction is very good which means its able to trap big particles in and blow the small dust and mites out of the air-flow. Dust collection by conventional vacuums results in a significant increase in airborne concentrations. After a short time the filter will then get blocked by small dust particles and it will no longer vacuum small particles although it will sound as if its working normal.
With Roboclean' s powerful turbine motor and water-based filtration system you are able to clean all dust mites by capturing them into the water basin and getting rid of other allergens with the water. By combining its advanced separator technology and water-based filtration technology that traps 99.997% (by weight) of all airborne particles 0.3 microns, powerful turbine motor and a HEPA filter, the Roboclean achieves what other cleaning machines can not.
Asthma sufferers aren’t the only ones to benefit: Within a very short time, Roboclean washes the air and noticeably improves room climate. Dirt will not find it’s way back in your home.
Dust contains Mites, mites leave faeces and faeces Trigger Asthma, so Book your FREE home demonstration NOW!